What to do when you are not fulfilled at your job: 5 ways to find your purpose again

What to do when you are not fulfilled at your job: 5 ways to find your purpose again

Several years ago, I came into the den in my house, and wept. I had just got off work from my job on second shift, but really I was working much more than that. It was about 2:30 am. My life had come to a crossroads and I needed to figure out what was going on. I was 30 pounds overweight, had $55,000 in debt, and the job I was in was sucking every last amount of energy I had.

I had hit rock bottom in my life, for the third time.

  • The first time I was in High School and decided to put a gun in my mouth and end it all - (17 years old)

  • The second time was when I was in the Navy in the middle of the Pacific Ocean - (22 years old)

  • The third time was in the den of my house - (30 years old)

Maybe you have had these moments, or you are in one right now. Just know, I have been there, and the only way to get through it, is to surrender.

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